15 April, 2014
Rope and Tie Device rules
1, Rope sizes to be 10.25, 10.5 or 10.75 only
2, Rope to be threaded through device as shown in instructional photo, an extra loop around the end bar may be needed for heavier cattle.
3, No ropes to be connected to saddle horn.
4, Device can only be tied to saddle horn using a leather strap or nylon rope.
5, knot to be tied in one end of rope and then rope dyed with red dye , 400mm in length from knot, so it is clearly visible with the 400mm clearly hanging out of the device.
6, In the unfortunate incident of a jerkdown, the jerkdown rule still applies, you will be directed by the judges to wait in a position within full view of the barrier judge or an event director until the round finishes. At this time a judge will check your rope and device, if the device is found to have been changed in any way you will face a fine of $500 and a suspension.
It is the ropers responsibility to make sure the device works for their style of roping.
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